NEET-Biology-4-Cell : The unit of life : Cell introduction

1.Who first explained that cells divide and new cells are formed from pre-existing cells ? 
Answer : Rudolf Virchow

2.Some organisms are composed of a single cell and are called _______________ organisms while other organisms are composed of many cells are called ___________ organisms. ? 
Answer : unicellular,multicellular

3.Various chemical reactions occur in the cytoplasm to keep the cell in the living state (True or False)?
Answer : True

4.Which non-membranous organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell ? 
Answer : Ribosome

5.Who formulated the cell theory ? 
Answer : Schleiden and Schwann

6.Who discovered the first living cell ? 
Answer : Anton Von leeuwenhoek

7.All living organisms have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane (True or False)? 
Answer : False

8.Cell that has membrane bound nucleus is called _______________ whereas cell that lack membrane bound nucleus is called _______________ . ? 
Answer : eukaryotic, prokaryotic

9.Anything less than a complete structure of a cell does not ensure independent living (True or False)? 
Answer : True

10.Main arena of various cellular activities of the cell is ? 
Answer : Cytoplasm

11.Who is responsible for extensive compartmentalisation of cytoplasm in eukaryotic cell ? 
Answer : Membrane bound cell organelles

12.Who gave the cell theory a final shape ? 
Answer : Rudolf Virchow

13.All eukaryotic cells have similar shape (True or False)? 
Answer : False

14._______________ a British Zoologist, studied different types of animal cells and reported that cells had a thin outer layer which is today known as the plasma mernbrane. ? 
Answer :Theodore Schwann (1839)

15."Omnis cellula-e-cellula" statement was given by ? 
Answer : Rudolf Virchow

16.Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of living organism (True or False) ? 
Answer :True

17.Shape of the cell may vary with the function they perform (True or False)? 
Answer : True

18.Which non-membranous cell organelle is found in animal cell and helps in cell division ? 
Answer : Centriole

19.The largest isolated single cell is the _________________ ? 
Answer : egg of an ostrich.

NEET-Biology-4-Anatomy of Flowering Plants-3

41. Tracheids are elongated cells with thick and _______ walls and _______ ends.
Answer : Lignified, B-Tapering

42. On the basis of variation in form, structure and development sclerenchyma cells are of how many types ?
Answer : Two

43. The meristem that occurs in the mature region of roots and shoots of many plants particularly those that produce woody axis and appear later than primary meristem is called.
Answer : Secondary meristem

44. The structure(s) which is derived from shoot apical meristem and present in axil (s) of leaf (leaves) and are capable of forming a branch or a flower, called _______ .
Answer : Axillary bud

45. Which type of vascular bundles are found in roots?
Answer : Radial

46. At some places, the cambium forms a narrow bands of _______ which passes through the secondary xylem and the secondary phloem in the radial directions. These are the _______
Answer : Parenchyma, Secondary Medullary rays

47. Which type of sclerenchyma cells are found in the fruit wall of nuts, pulp of fruits like guava, pear and sapota, seed coats of legumes and leaves of tea.
Answer : Sclereids

48. Which simple permanent tissue forms the major component with in plant organs ?
Answer : Parenchyma

49. Phloem fibre are made up of _______ cells. These are generally absent in the _______
Answer : Sclerenchymatous, Primary Phloem

50. Which simple tissue performs various functions like photosynthesis secretion and storage ?
Answer : Parenchyma

51. _______ is impervious to water due to _______ deposition in cell wall.
Answer : Phellem/cork , suberin

52. The enteronephric nephridia of earthworm are mainly concerned with ______________
Answer : Excretion of nitrogenus wastes

53. A mature sieve element possesses a peripheral cytoplasm and a large _______ but lacks a _______
Answer : Vacuole, , Nucleus

54. List of some of the structural part is given below :Pericycle, Pith vascular bundles and medullary rays Which is not a part of stele in the primary internal structure of dicotyledonae and monocotyledonae roots.
Answer : Medullary rays

55. Which xylem element store food material in the form of starch or fats and other substances like tannin?
Answer : Xylem Parenchyma

56. Phellem, phellogen and _______ are collectivety termed as _______
Answer : Phelloderrn or secondary cortex Periderm

57. Phloem elements which are long, tube-like structures, arranged longitudinally and are associated with the companion cells.
Answer : Sieve tube elements.

58. In dicot stem the cells of carnbium present between primary xylem and primary phloem is the _______ cambium.
Answer : Intra fascicular,

59. The term meristem is derived from _______ word meristos, which means _______
Answer : Greek , Divided

60. The _______ venation in _______ leaves is reflected in the near similar sizes of vascular bundles (except in main veins) as seen in vertical section of the leaves.
Answer : Parallel,Monocot

61. In dicotyledonae stem, which layer is also termed as starch sheath?
Answer : Endodermis

62. Permanent tissues which are made up of more than one type of cells and these cells work together as a unit
Answer : Complex tissues

NEET-Biology-4-Anatomy of Flowering Plants-2

21. The functions of _______ are controlled by the _______ of companion cells.
Answer : Sieve tubes, Nucleus

22. In earthworm and cockroach which type of structure is common :-
Answer : Ventral nerve cord

23. In dlicots, guard cells are _______ shaped whereas in grasses guard cells are _______ shaped
Answer : bean,dumb-bell

24. The cross section of a plant material shows the following anatomical features under microscope: (a) usually more than six xylem bundles with exarch xylem (b) pith is large and well developed (c) Radial arrangement of xylem and phloem bundles. The plant material should be :
Answer : Monocotyledonous root

25. Study of internal structure of plants is called_______
Answer : Plant Anatomy

26. In a isobilateral leaf, two distinct patches of _______ are present above and below of each large _______ which extend towards upper and lower epidermis, respectively.
Answer : Sclerenchyma,Vascular bundle

27. Spermatophytes in which phloem have albuminous cells and sieve cells.
Answer : Gymnosperms

28. The presence of vessels in xylem is characteristics feature of _______
Answer : Angiosperms

29. _______ in plants is largely restricted to specialised regions of active cell division, called _______
Answer : Growth , Meristem

30. Plant group in which phloem is composed of sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma & Phloem fibres.
Answer : Angiosperms

31. All tissues except _______ and _______ constitute the ground tissue System.
Answer : Epidermis , Vascular bundles

32. Which xylem element have highly thickned walls and obliterated central lumen
Answer : Xylem fibre

33. In grasses, certain _______ epidermal cells along the veins modify themselves into large, empty, colourless cells. These cells are called _______ cells.
Answer : Adaxial,Bulliform

34. The meristem which occur in grasses between mature tissues and regenerate parts removed by grazing herbivores is known as _______
Answer : Intercalary meristem

35. The meristem which occurs at the tips of roots and shoots and produce primary tissues are called
Answer : Apical meristems

36. Which simple permanent tissue provides mechanical support to the growing parts of plant such as young stem and petiole of a leaf.
Answer : Collenchyma

37. Which simple permanent tissue consists of long narrow cells with thick and lignified walls having a few or numerous pits.
Answer : Sclerenchyma

38. _______ Both _______ and intercalary meristems are _______ meristems and contribute to the formation of the primary plant body.
Answer : Apical, meristem , Primary

39. Cells are generally isodiametric.Cells may be spherical, oval, rounded, polygonal or elongated in shape.Their walls are thin and made up of cellulose. The cells may either be closely packed or have intercellular spaces. Above characters of cells related to which type of simple permanent tissue?
Answer : Parenchyma

40. in the internal structure of roots, casparian strips are present in :-
Answer : Endodermis

NEET-Biology-4-Anatomy of Flowering Plants-1

1. In a dorsiventral leaf, palisade parenchyma lies towards _______ and spongy parenchyma lies towards _______ in position.
Answer : Adaxial, Abaxial

2. The root hairs are _______ elongations of the _______ cells and help absorb water and minerals from the soil.
Answer : Unicellular,Epidermal

3. Blood is red but without RBCs. Such blood is found in _______ .
Answer : Earthworm

4. Heart wood comprises dead elements with highly _______ walls and it does not conduct water & minerals.
Answer : Lignified

5. _______ consists of cells which are much thickended at the corners due to the deposition of cellulose, hemicellulose and _______
Answer : Collenchyma, B-Pectin

6. Which type of vascular bundles are found in the primary internal structure of dicotyledonae stem (eg. Sunflower stem) ?
Answer : Conjoint, collateral & open

7. Epidermal cell are _______ with a small amount of _______ and large vacuole.
Answer : Parenchymatous,Cytoplasm

8. Name the lateral meristem which is responsible for the formation of phellem and phelloderm.
Answer : Phellogen (Cork cambium)

9. _______ is a non-technical term that refers to all tissues exterior to _______ therefore including secondary phloem .
Answer : Bark,Vascular cambium

10. On the basis of their _______ and _______ there are three types of tissue systems.
Answer : Structure/morphology, Location/Position

11. The _______ wood is lighter in colour and exhibit low density whereas _______ wood is darker in colour and exhibit high density.
Answer : Spring,Autumn

12. In _______ the ground tissue consists of thin walled chloroplasts containing cells and is called _______
Answer : Leaves,Mesophyll

13. The stomatal aperture, guard cells and the surrounding subsidiary cells are together called _______
Answer : Stomatal apparatus

14. In the internal structure of sunflower stem, in between the vascular bundles there are a few layers of radially placed _______ cells, which constitute _______
Answer : Parenchymatous, -Medullary rays

15. Which tissue occurs in homogenous layers or in patches below the epidermis in stem of decotyledonous plants ?
Answer : Collenchyma

16. Which lateral meristem usually develops in cortical region of dicot stem?
Answer : Phellogen or cork cambium

17. List of some of meristems is given below : Fascicular vascular cambium , Inter fascicular cambium (C) Phellogen or cork cambium On the basis of location in plant body above meristems are placed in which group ?
Answer : Lateral meristem

18. _______ roots are endogenous in origin and originates from the cells of _______
Answer : Lateral, Pericycle

19. A group of cells having a common _______ and usually performing a common function, called_______
Answer : Origin , Tissue

20. Name the lateral meristem which is responsible for the formation of secondary xylem, secondary phloem and secondary medullary rays.
Answer : Vascular cambium

NEET-Biology-3-Morphology of flowering plants-5

81. Hanging structures which provide support to banyan trees are .
Answer : Prop roots

82. Ovary is one charmbered but it becomes two chambered due to formation of the false septum in ______________ and ___________
Answer : Mustard,Argemone

83. The plumule and radicle are enclosed in sheaths which are ______________and _______________ respectively.
Answer : Coleoptile,Coleorhiza

84. A seed is generally made up of Seed coat and an _____________
Answer : embryo

85. The arrangement of veins and veinlets in the larnina of leaf is termed as _____________
Answer : Venation

86. In mango and coconut the fruit is known as ______
Answer : Drupe

87. The seed coat has two layers, the outer _____________ and the inner _____________
Answer : Testa,Tegmen

88. The root is covered at the apex by thimble like structure called __________
Answer : Root cap

89. Underground modification of stem i.e. bulbs, corms and rhizomes comes under ___________________ family.
Answer : Liliaceae

90. Vein provide ______________ to the leaf blade and act as channels of ___________
Answer : Rigidity , Transport

91. In case of perigynous flower, the ovary is _____________
Answer : Half inferior

92. Flower is a
Answer : modified Shoot

NEET-Biology-3-Morphology of flowering plants-4

61. The region of meristematic activity is situated few millimeters above root cap. True or false?
Answer : True

62. In the members solananceae family the seed is ___________ (Endospermic or non-endospermic) .
Answer : Endospermic

63. Fibrous roots originate from ____________.
Answer : Base of the stem

64. Which type of sub-aerial modification occur in Jasmine.
Answer : Stolon

65. When calyx and corolla are not distinct then they are known as
Answer : Perianth

66. In a typical flower, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium are attached on _________
Answer : Thalamus

67. When the incisions of leaf lamina reach upto the midrib the leaf is known as _______________
Answer : Compound leaf

68. Leaves originate from __________ meristem.
Answer : Shoot apical

69. Lateral roots includes __________ and __________ roots .
Answer : Secondary ,tertiary

70. When the sepals are united then condition is known as ______________
Answer : Gamosepalous


72. Leaf may bear two lateral small leaf like structures which are known as __________
Answer : Stipules

73. In fabaceae family, the gynoecium is monocarpellary, unilocular with many ovules, single style and superior ovary. (True/False)
Answer : True

74. Which region of the root have very small cells, thin walled and with dense protoplasm?
Answer : Meristematic zone

75. Which structure of petals encloses the stamen and pistil.
Answer : Keel

76. In a leaf, when its lamina is entire or when incised, the incisions do not touch the midrib then this type of leaf is known as ______
Answer : Simple leaf

77. In racemose type of inflorescence the flowers are arranged in ________
Answer : Acropetal manner

78. In ____________inflorescence the main axis continuous to grow. Whereas in ___________ inflorescence main axis terminates in a flower.
Answer : Racemose, Cymose

79. Leaf develops at the __________ and bears a __________ in its axil.
Answer : Node, b.Bud

80. If a flower having either only starnens or only carpels it is a__________ flower.
Answer : Unisexual

NEET-Biology-3-Morphology of flowering plants-3

41. When the petals are free then condition is known as ___________
Answer : Polypetalous

42. Stem modified into flattened structure in ____________ or fleshy cylindrical structure in __________ and perform photosynthesis :
Answer : (a) - Opuntia (b) - Euphorbia

43. Direct elongation of the radicle leads to the formation of __________ root.
Answer : primary.

44. In vexillary aestivation, posterior petal is known as ________________ .
Answer : Standard or Vexillum

45. Fruit of liliaceae family is ___________________ .
Answer : Capsule, rarely berry

46. The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as ___________
Answer : Placentation

47. Sheathing leaf base is found in monocots, true or false.
Answer : True

48. In Rhizophora, pneumatophores help in __________
Answer : Respiration

49. The arrangement of flower on floral axis is known as
Answer : Inflorescence

50. In neem plant, which type of leaf is present ?
Answer : Pinnately compound leaf

51. If a flower has both androecium and gynoecium, it is a__________ flower.
Answer : Bisexual

52. After fertilisation, the ovules develop into __________ and the ovary matures into a ____________
Answer : Seeds,Fruit

53. Which part of root is responsible for the growth of the root in length?
Answer : Region of elongation

54. In some ______________ plants the leaf base may become swollen which is known as __________
Answer : leguminous, pulvinus

55. The primary root and its branches constitute the __________
Answer : Tap root system

56. When the primary root in short lived and replaced by large number of thin roots, it constitutes the .
Answer : Fibrous root system

57. many of the plants given below are comes under fabaceae family - Moong, Soyabean, Indigofera, Sunhemp, Sesbania, Lupinus, Mulaithi
Answer : All

58. How many of the plants given below are comes under solanaceae family :- Tobacco, Tomato, Chilli, Belladona, Ashwagandha, Petunia, Makoi .
Answer : All

59. A sterile stamen is known as ___________
Answer : Staminode

60. Rachis is found in__________ leaf.
Answer : Pinnately compound

NEET-Biology-3-Morphology of flowering plants-2

21. Papilionatae is a subfamily of _____________
Answer : Leguminosae

22. alyx and corolla are __________ organs while androecium, and gynoecium are __________ organs
Answer : Accessory,Reproductive or essential

23. When the stamens are attached to the petals, they are known as ___________
Answer : Epipetalous

24. Each antheris usually ___________ and each lobe has ____________ chambers
Answer : Bilobed,Two

25. In palmately compound leaf, the leaflets are attached at the ____________ as in ___________
Answer : Common point,Silk cotton

26. Family Liliaceae is commonly called ______________
Answer : Lily family

27. The leaves are arranged in __________ manner on stem.
Answer : Acropetal

28. The drupe fruits are developed from ____________ and superior ovary Morocarpellary

29. Persistent calyx is found in the members of (Solanaceae/Liliaceae) _____________
Answer : Solanaceae

30. The mesocarp of coconut is ___________
Answer : Fibrous

31. Name the plant in which, the leaves are short lived and petiole modify in leafy structure.
Answer : Australian acacia

32. A __________ is present in the axil of petiole in both simple and compound leaves but not in the axil of leaflets.
Answer : Bud

33. There In rose and lotus, the condition of carpels is Apoxarpous

34. How many of the plants given below are comes under family :Liliaceae Aloe, Asparagus, Tulip, Gloriosa, Colchicum .
Answer : All

35. In banana, the growing lateral branch come out __________ giving rise to leafy shoots.
Answer : Obliquely upward

36. Stilt roots arise from __________
Answer : Lower node of the stem

38. Shoot develops from the __________ of the embryo .
Answer : plumule

39. The edible part of mango is __________
Answer : Mesocarp

40. Generally, the fruit is consist of ____________ and __________
Answer : Pericarp, bSeeds

NEET-Biology-3-Morphology of flowering plants-1

1. In the members of family liliaceae the gynoecium is tricarpellary, syncarpous, trilocular with many ovules and superior ovary. (True/False)
Answer : True

2. In maize, the outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinous layer called _________
Answer : Aleurone layer

3. Syncarpous condition is found in
Answer : Mustard and tomato

4. When the veins run parallel to each other within a lamina the venation is termed as ___________
Answer : Parallel venation

5. The roots which arise from the parts of the plant other than the radicle are .
Answer : Adventitious roots

6. How Solanaceae family commonly known as _____________
Answer : Potato family

7. Region of elongation is present (a) to the region of meristem And region of maturation is present -(b), to the region of elongation
Answer : a - Proximal, b- Proximal

8. If a fruit is formed without fertilisation of ovary it is called ____________
Answer : Parthenocarpic fruit

9. The pollen grains are produced in (Pollensac / Ovule)
Answer : Pollen sac

10. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with respect to other members of the same whorl is __________
Answer : Aestivation

11. Orchid seed is (non endospermic or endospermic)
Answer : Non-endospermic

12. The axillary bud later develops into a __________ .
Answer : Branch or flower

13. In monocots, one large and shield shaped cotyledon is known as __________
Answer : Scutellum

14. If the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another but not in any particular direction, then this type of aestivation is known as ______
Answer : Imbricate aestivation

15. Epitepalous condition is found in (Fabaceae/Liliaceae) ___________ .
Answer : Liliaceae

16. In the seeds of cereal the seed coat and fruit wall are (Fused/Free)
Answer : Fused

17. When the veinlets form a network, the venation is known as ______________
Answer : Reticulate venation

18. Ripened or mature ovary is known as ___________
Answer : Fruit

19. In which plants each node bears a rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots?
Answer : Pistia and Eichhornia

20. Part of the plant which bears nodes and internodes is known as ___________
Answer : Stem

NEET-Biology-2-Animal Kingdom-3

51. In which subphylum notochord is replaced by vertebral.
Answer : Vertebrata

52. Members of which phylum are commonly known as sponges?
Answer : Porifera

53. Presence of mammary gland is the unique character of which class?
Answer : Mammalia

54. Which structure helps in locomotion in ctenophores?
Answer : Comb plates

55. In which phylum the mantle cavity is found?
Answer : Mollusca

56. What is the name of cells those line the spongocoel?
Answer : Choanocytes or collar cells

57. What is the name of porethroughwhichwater comes out from a body of sponges?
Answer : Osculum

58. What is the function of water canal system in sponges?
Answer : Food gathering, respiratory exchange and removal of waste

59. Name organism which produces lac.
Answer : Laccifer

60. Which subphyla are classified under protochordates?
Answer : Urochordata and cephalochordate

61. Name the phylum inwhichorgansystem levelof body organisation appeared first time:
Answer : Aschelminthes

62. Which type of symmetry is found in coelenterates?
Answer : Radial symmetry

63. How many pairs of gills are present in bony fishes?
Answer : 4-pairs

64. In which reptiles 4-chambered heart is present?
Answer : Crocodiles

65. What is the name of pores through which water enters into the body of sponges?
Answer : Ostia

66. The common chamber for alimentary canal, urinary, bladder and reproductive tracts is called as:
Answer : Cloaca

67. In which class of vertebrates 3-chambered heart is found?
Answer : Amphibiaandreptilia

68. In which subphylum notochord is present only in larval tail?
Answer : Urochordata

69. What is the name of file like rasping organ found in molluscs?
Answer : Radula

70. Animals of which phylum are reared for the production of pearls?
Answer : Mollusca

71. Name the respiratory organs in birds and mammals:
Answer : Lungs

72. The name balancing organ in arthropods.
Answer : Statocyst

73. The exoskeleton of arthropods is made up of .
Answer : Chitin

74. When development of an organism occurs through larval stage,than this type of development is called as:
Answer : Indirect development

75. Which type of symmetry is found in the members of phylum platyhelminthes?
Answer : Bilateral symmetry

NEET-Biology-2-Animal Kingdom-2

26. Name the second largest phylum of animal kingdom.
Answer : Mollusca

27. What is the name of central cavity found in the body of members of phylum porifera?
Answer : Spongocoel

28. Acavity in which mesoderm is found in scattered form is called as:
Answer : Pseudocoelom

29. Name the organism which produces silk?
Answer : Bombyx

30. Water vascular system is a characteristic of which phylum?
Answer : Echinodermata

31. Which class of vertebrates possesses dry and cornified skin with epidermal scales or scutes?
Answer : Reptilia

32. Name the cell that is used for defense purposes in coelenterates.
Answer : Cnidoblast

33. What is the main function of malpighian tubules?
Answer : Excretion

34. Name a fish which has electric organ.
Answer : Torpedo

35. In which phylum organisms alter their symmetry from bilateral to radial during the development?
Answer : Echinodermata

36. The undifferentiated layer present between ectoderm and mesoderm in diploblastic animals is known as:
Answer : Mesoglea

37. Name the cap which covers the gills in fishes:
Answer : Operculum

38. In which class of fishes mouth is located ventrally?
Answer : Chondrichthyes

39. Which structures help in osmo regulation and excretion in Annelids?
Answer : Nephridia

40. In which subphylum notochord extends from head to tail and persistent throughout the life?
Answer : Cephalochordata

41. The alternation of Polyp and Medusa forms in coelenterates is called as
Answer : Metagenesis

42. Members of which phylum have ventral mouth and dorsal anus?
Answer : Echinodermata

43. Members of which phylum are also known as roundworms?
Answer : Aschelminthes

44. Members ofwhich phylum are commonly known as sea walnuts or comb jellies?
Answer : Ctenophora

45. Which types of scales are foundon the body of cartilagenous fishes?
Answer : Placoid scales

46. The property of a living organism to emit light is called as:
Answer : Bioluminescence

47. Presence of water transport system is characteristic of which phylum?
Answer : Porifera

48. What is the name of structure that prevents the bony fishes from sinking?
Answer : Air bladder

49. The soft and spongy layer of skin overthe visceral hump of molluscs is known as:
Answer : Mantle

50. Snakes and lizards shed off their scales often.This phenomenonis called as:
Answer : Skin cast

NEET-Biology-2-Animal Kingdom-1

1. Name a fish which possess poisonous sting.
Answer : Trygon

2. In which phylum the spiny bodied organisms are included?
Answer : Echinodermata

3. The animals which don't have separate sexes are called as:
Answer : Hermaphrodite

4. Nameofthe additional chambers foundin thedigestivetract of birds:
Answer : Crop and Gizzard

5. The animals which don't have the capacity to regulate their body temperature are called as .
Answer : Poikilothermals

6. Members of which phylum are known as flat worms?
Answer : Platyhelminthes

7. Name the structures which support the body of sponges as a skeleton.
Answer : Spicules and spongin fibres

8. Which organism is also known as Portuguese man of war?
Answer : Physalia

9. The body surface of annelids is distinctly marked out into segments. These segments are called as:
Answer : Metameres

10. Name the largest phylum of animal kingdom.
Answer : Arthropoda

11. Name the excretory organ of balanoglossus:
Answer : Proboscis gland

12. Structures which help in osmoregulation and excretion in flatworms are called.
Answer : Flame cells

13. Which type of symmetry is mostly found in sponges?
Answer : Sponges are asymmetrical

14. The bones of birds are long and hollow with air cavities.These types of bones are called as:
Answer : Pneumatic bones

15. Name an oviparous organism with presence of mammary glands: Ornithorhynchus(Platypus)

16. Animals of which class possess a sucking and circular mouth without jaws?
Answer : Cyclostomata

17. The presence of feathers is characteristic of which class?
Answer : Aves.

18. Name the phyla which have radial symmetry:
Answer : Coelenterata, ctenophora, Echinodermata

19. Which phylum of animals posses pseudocoelomic type of body cavity?
Answer : Aschelminthes

20. Which structure represents ear in amphibians and reptiles?
Answer : Tympanum

21. The animals which have the capacity to regulate their body temperature are called as.
Answer : Homoiothermous

22. The teeth in cartilaginous fishes are formed due to modification of which type of scales?
Answer : Placoid scales

23. Inwhich class of fishes notochord is persistentthroughout the life?
Answer : Chondrichthyes

24. Why cartilaginous fishes have to swim constantly?
Answer : Because they lack air bladder

25. Which cnidarians possess a skeleton made up of calcium carbonate?
Answer : Corals

NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-6

Q:126: Which of the following term is not related with mosses? Capsule, Buds, Prothallus, Rhizoids, Archegonia, Protonema
Answer : Prothallus

Q:127: Which partof game to phyticplant body of amoss bears sex organs antheridia & archegonia?
Answer : At the apex of the leafy shoots

Q:128: How many of the following have heterosporous nature? Selaginella, Equisetum, Salvinia
Answer : Two (Selaginella, Salvini

Q:129: Read the following information and identify the genus:Coralloid roots are with BGAUnbranched stemLack ovary wallPinnate leaves
Answer : Cycas

Q:130: The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions. Why?
Answer : Because they need water for fertilization

Q:131: Female cone -> Mega sporophylls->Megasporong -> Megaspores For above terms,which one is related to Pinus but notrelated to Cycas?
Answer : Female cone

Q:132: Identify the name of processes(A&B)in the given sequence: 𝐴 𝐵 Microspore mother cell -> Microspore -> Male -> gametophyte
Answer :A-MeiosisB-Germination

Q:133: In gymnosperms,the male and the female game to phytes do not have an independent free-living existence. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:134: In gymnosperms,the nucellus is protected by envelops and the composite structure is called ?
Answer : Ovule

Q:135: How many following cells are present in an embryo sac:A - EggcellB - SynergidsC - AntipodalsD – Central cell
Answer :A-1B-2C-3D-1

Q:136: The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions. Why?
Answer : Because they need water for fertilization

Q:137: Female cone -> Mega sporophylls -> Megasporong -> Megaspores For above terms,which one is related to Pinus but notrelated to Cycas?
Answer : Female cone

Q:138: Identify the name of processes(A&B)in the given sequence: 𝐴 𝐵 Microspore mother cell -> Microspore -> Male gametophyte
Answer :A-MeiosisB-Germination

Q:139: Ingymnosperms,the male and the female game to phytes donot have an independent free-living existence. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:140: In gymnosperms, the nucellus is protected by envelops and the composite structure is called?
Answer : Ovule

Q:141: How many following cells are present in an embryo sac: A-Eggcell B-Synergids C-Antipodals D-Central cell.
Answer :A-1B-2C-3D-1

Q:142: Write the names of male and female sex organs of angiosperms respectively:
Answer : Stamen,Carpel or Pistil

Q:143: In how many classes angiosperms are divided?
Answer : Two (Dicotyledonae and monocotyledonae)

Q:144: Ovules,stamen,acarpel,anther,antipodals,synergids,pollen grains. How many structures are NOT produced by female plant of angiosperm?
Answer : Three : Stamen, Anther , Pollen grains

Q:145: Angiosperms rangeinsizefromtiny, almostmicrospice.g. A to tall trees of e.g. B.
Answer :A-WolfiaB-Eucalyptus

Q:146: How many nuclei are involved in double fertilization?
Answer : Five (2 male nuclei, 2 polarnuclei, 1 egg nucleus)

Q:147: Write down the ploidy level of followings regarding typical angiosperm: (A)Endosperm (B) Synergids (C)Embryo (D) Pollen grain (E) Embryosac.
Answer :A-3n,B-n,C-2n,D-n,E-n

Q:148: After fertilization, what is the future of the following:(A) Ovule(B) Synergieds(C)Ovary(D) Antipodals
Answer :A-SeedB-DegenerateC-FruitD-Degenerate

Q:149: Many algae such as Volvox,Spirogyra and some species of Chlamydomonas represent pattern of lifecycle.
Answer : Haplontic

Q:150: Which kind of life cyclepattern is shownby all seed-bearing plants?
Answer : Diplontic

Q:151: The life cycle of any sexually reproducting plant, there is an alternation of generation between A producing by haploid gametophyte and B producing by diplod Sporophyte.
Answer :  A-Gametes B-Spore

Q:152: In bryophytes, what is the dominant phase of life cycle?
Answer :  Gametophytic phase

Q:153: "The diploid sporophyte is represented by a dominant, independent, photosynthetic,vascularplantbody.It alternates with multicellular saprophytic/autotrophic, independent but short-lived haploid gametophytes." Above pattern of life cycle is represented by which group of plants?
Answer : Pteridophy

Q:154: "The short-lived multicellular sporophyte totally or partially dependent on the gametophyte" Above statement is related to which group of kingdom plantae?
Answer : Bryophyta

Q:155: Which type of life cycle is found in Fucus?
Answer : Diplontic

Q:156: Algae usually reproduce vegetatively by A, asexually by formation of B and sexually by fusion of C.
Answer : A-Fragmentation, B-Spores, C-Gametes

Q:157: Match the column (Process) with column II (Result) Column I Column II(A) Fusionofmale&femalegametes (i) Spores(B) Mitosis inzygote (ii) Zygote(C) Meiosisinsporophyte (iii) Gametophyte(D) Germinationofspores (iv) Embryo
Answer :A-iiB-ivC-iD-iii

NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-5

Q:101: In lichens, the algal component is known as A and the fungal component as B.
Answer : A-Phycobiont B-Mycobiont

Q:102: Identify the infectious agent on the basis of given information:Discoverer T.O. DienerSmaller than virusesLow molecular weightRNAAbsence of proteincoat
Answer : Viroids

Q:103: The causative agent of potato spindle tuber disease is composed of __________
Answer : Only RNA

Q:104: Identity the group of organisms, on the basis of given information:Show symbiotic associationVery good pollutionindicatorPioneer to barrenrocks
Answer : Lichen

Q:105: Inlichens,A prepare food for B and fungi provide shelter and absorb C for its partner.
Answer : A-Algae B-Fungi C-Water and mineral

Q:106: Which taxonomy is based on following points:Chromosome numberChromosomestructureChromosome behavior
Answer : Cytotaxonomy

Q:107: Numerical taxonomy which is now easily carried out using computers is basedon .
Answer : All observable characteristics

Q:108: Which type of sexual reproduction is found in Fucus?
Answer : Oogamous

Q:109: Porphyra & Dictyota are belonged to which algal class respectively
Answer : Rhodophyceae,Phalophyceae

Q:110: Agar, one of the commercial products obtained from A and Gracilaria are usedto growmicrobesand in preparations of ice-creams and jellies.
Answer : A-Gelidium

Q:111: Which are the pigments found in phaeophyceae?
Answer : Chlorophyll-a,c, Fucoxanthin

Q:112: Write the nameof two unicellular algae which are rich in proteinsand are used as food supplements:
Answer : Chlorella,Spirullina

Q:113: Most of the green algae have one or more storage bodies, which are located in the chloroplasts are called:
Answer : Pyrenoids

Q:114: Certain marine brown and red algae produce large amounts of hydrocolloids eg. Aand B,respectively which are used commercially.
Answer :A-AlginB-Carrageen

Q:115: In phaeophyceae, the vegetative cells have a cellulosic cell wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of __________
Answer : Algin

Q:116: Why are the members of Rhodophyceae commonly called red algae?
Answer : Due to pre-dominance of rphycoerythrin

Q:117: Floridean starch is similar to A and glycogen in structure.
Answer : A-Amylopectin

Q:118: In which class of algae,gametes are pyriform(pear-shaped) and bear two unequal laterally attached flagella?
Answer : Phaeophyceae

Q:119: In which class of algae sexual reproduction is oogamous and accomapanied by complex post fertilization developments?
Answer : Rhodophyceae

Q:120: Gracilaria and Porphyra are the members of which algae class?
Answer : Rhodophyceae

Q:121: Bryophytes are called amphibians of the plant kingdom. Why?
Answer : Because they can live in the soil but depend on water for sexual reproduction

Q:122: Inliverworts,Aaregreen,multicellular,asexualbuds,which develop in small receptacles called B located on thallus:
Answer :A-GemmaeB-Gemma cups

Q:123: In bryophytes zygotes do not undergo reduction division immediately. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:124: Find the ploidy level of followings with respect to bryophytes: A-Gametophyte B-Sporophyte C-Spore D-Antherozoids E-Gemmae F-Rhizoids ?
Answer :A-n B-2nC-n D-nE-n F-n

Q:125: In bryophytes,the dominant phase in the lifecycle is the plant body but inpteridophytes,the main plant body is
Answer : Gametophytic Sporophytic 

NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-4

Q:76: What protest possesses two flagella one lies longitudinal and other transversely?
Answer : Dinoflagellates

Q:77: Read the following points regarding protist:(A) Saprophytic Nature(B) Spores with truewall(C) Wall less vegetative phaseAbove organism should be:
Answer : Slime moulds

Q:78: Euglenoids have a protein rich layer called which makes their body flexible.
Answer : Pellicle

Q:79: __________ are primitive relative of animals.
Answer : Protozoans

Q:80: Which organism are used to make bread and beer?
Answer : Yeast

Q:81: Some hyphae are continuous tubes filled with multinucleated cytoplasm, these are called:
Answer : Coenocytic hyphae

Q:82: The cell walls of fungi are composed of Chitin and
Answer : Polysaccharides

Q:83: Fungi prefer to grow in
Answer : Warm & Humid places

Q:84: Write the name of three steps of sexual reproduction in fungi:
Answer :1-Plasmogamy2-Karyogamy3-Meiosis

Q:85: By which basis kingdom Fungi is divided into various classes?
Answer : Morphology of mycelium Mode of spore formation and fruiting bodies

Q:86: Chlamydomonas and Amoeba are classified in kingdom protista according to Whittaker's classification system but by earlier classification system both these organisms are classified in different kingdoms. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:87: The bacterial structure is very 'A', they are very complex in 'B'.
Answer :A-Simple,B-Behaviour

Q:88: The vast majority of bacteria are heterotrophs. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:89: Members of which fungal class are found in aquatic habitats and on decaying wood in moist and damp places or as obligate parasites.
Answer : Phycomycetes

Q:90: Which fungus isused extensively inbio-chemical genetic works?
Answer : Neurospora

Q:91: The basidiospores are A produced on the B.
Answer :A-exogenouslyB-Basidium

Q:92: Mushroom,Bracket fungi and smutfungi belong to which fungal class?
Answer : Basidiomycetes

Q:93: Most of themembers of fungal class are decomposers of litter and help in mineralcycling.
Answer : Deuteromycetes

Q:94: Life cycle of plants has two distinct phases -the diploid 'A' and the 'B' gametophyte.
Answer : A-Sporophyte, B-Haploid

Q:95: All of us who have suffered the ill effects of common cold or flu, It is caused by
Answer : Viruses

Q:96: Which kingdom is characterized by heterotrophic, eukaryotic organisms that are multicellular and their cells lack cell wall?
Answer : Kingdom-Animalia

Q:97: Bladderwort and venus fly trap are example of A plant and Cuscuta is a B plant.
Answer : A-Insectivorous B-Parasitic

Q:98: Who called contagium vivum fluidum and what does it stand for?
Answer : M.W. Beijerinck Infectious living fluid

Q:99: Read the following symptoms:Mosaic formationLeaf rolling andcurlingYellowing and veinclearingDwarfingAbove symptoms are due to infection of
Answer : Viruses

Q:100: Who said that viruses are smaller than bacteria ?
Answer : D.J. Ivanowsky 

NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-3

Q:51: What is the main aim of zoological parks?
Answer : Learn about food habits & behavior of wild animals

Q:52: Solanum, PetuniaandDaturaarethegenera,bolong to which family?
Answer : Solanaceae

Q:53: Identify A & B:Triticumaestivum -> Triticum -> A -> Poales -> B ->
Answer :A-PoaceaeB-Monocotyledonae

Q:54: A group of individual organisms with fundamental morphological similarities is called?
Answer : Species

Q:55: Order and other higher taxonomic categories are identified basedon the aggregation of characters. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:56: Who gave two kingdom system ?
Answer : Carolus Linnaeus

Q:57: Two kingdom system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (Autotrophs) and nonphotosynthetic (Heterotrophs) organisms. These are demerits of two kingdom system.(True/False)
Answer : True

Q:58: Aristotle used simple morphological characters to classify plants into A, B and C.
Answer : A-Trees, B-Shrubs, C-Herbs

Q:59: Though A and B kingdoms have been a constant under all different systems, the understanding of what group organisms be included under these kingdoms have been changing the C and D of other kingdom have also been understood
Answer :A-Plants B-AnimalsC-Number D-Nature

Q:60: How many kingdoms include producers and name these kingdoms?
Answer : Three; Monera, Protista, Plantae

Q:61: In which kingdom unicellular, eukaryotic autotrophic organisms are placed?
Answer : Protista

Q:62: In how many kingdom cellulosic cell walled organisms are present?
Answer : Two-Protista, Plantae

Q:63: From above table, how many characters are uncommon between fungi and plantae?
Answer : Cellwall,mode of nutrition, body organization

Q:64: Angiospermae is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets.
Answer : Herbarium

Q:65: Herbarium serves as quick referral system in taxonomic studies. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:66: Indian Botanical Garden(IBG)and National Botanical Garden (NBG)are situated at?
Answer :IBG-HowrahNBG-Lucknow

Q:67: On the basis of shape, how many groups of bacteria are formed and what are their names?
Answer : Four Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrium, Spirillum

Q:68: The criteria for classification are changing over time. Why?
Answer : Because improvement in our understanding of characters

Q:69: All 'A' organisms are grouped under kingdom monera and unicellular eukaryotes are placed in kingdom B.
Answer : A - Prokaryotic , B - Protista

Q:70: Read the following statements:(A) Found in the gut of ruminants(B) Complex cell wallstructure(C)Survive in marshyhabitatsAbove statements are related to :- which are Archaebacteria
Answer : Methanogens

Q:71: Compared to many other organisms, which group show the most extensive metabolic diversity?
Answer : Bacteria

Q:72: Which organism are the smallest living cells known and can survive without oxygen?
Answer : Mycoplasma

Q:73: Cholera,Typhoid,Tetanus,Citrus canker are well known diseases caused by:
Answer : Bacteria

Q:74: In which kingdom,Chrysohytes,Dinoflagellates,Euglenoids, Slime moulds and Protozoans are included?
Answer : Protista

Q:75: Chrysophytes which are the chief producers in the ocean?
Answer : Diatoms 

NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-2

Q:26: The word systematics is derived from the Latinword Systema which means?
Answer : Systematic arrangement of organisms

Q:27: Taxonomic categories / taxonomic groupsare distinct biological entities and not merely morphological aggregates. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:28: What are basics of taxonomy?
Answer : Identification Nomenclature Classification

Q:29: The earliest classifications were based on the __________ of various organisms.
Answer : Uses of economic importance

Q:30: Genus comprises a group ofrelated species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera.(True/False)
Answer : True

Q:31: Felidae and Felis represent which taxonomic categories respectively?
Answer : Family, Genus

Q:32: Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals constitute the next higher category called?
Answer : Phylum (Chordata)

Q:33: As we go higher from species to kingdom then what will happen to the number of common characteristics?
Answer : They will decrease

Q:34: The following sequence shows taxonomic categories in ascending order: Kingdom
Answer :A-Family B-Class

Q:35: Find the odd one from followings:Chordata, Carnivora, Solanum, Mammalia
Answer : Solanum

Q:36: Higher the category, greater is the difficulty of determining the relationship to other taxa at the same level. Why?
Answer : Because common characters are less

Q:37: Find out the odd one: Sapindales, Anacardiaceae, Poales
Answer :  Anacardiaceae

Q:38: What is the main purpose of botanical garden?
Answer :  Identification of plants

Q:39: Which taxanomical aid uses living plant forms for studies?
Answer : Botanical Garden

Q:40: In keys, a pair of contrasting characters is called?
Answer : Couplet

Q:41: Couplet represents the choice made between two opposite optionsThis results in acceptance ofonly one and rejection of the other.(True/False)
Answer :  True

Q:42: 54 Each statement of couplet in the key is called .
Answer : Lead

Q:43: What does monograph contain?
Answer : Information on any one taxon

Q:44: Which contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a givenarea?
Answer :  Flora

Q:45: Taxonomical aid which is useful in providing information for identification of names of species found in an area.
Answer : Manuals

Q:46: Taxonomists prepare and disseminate information through A and B
Answer : A-ManualsB-Monographs

Q:47: The taxonomic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general for knowing our bio-resources and their diversity. (True/False)
Answer :  True

Q:48: Write the scientific names of:(A) Human(B) Potato(C) Leopard
Answer :A- Homo sapiensB- Solanumtuberosum C- Panthera Pardus

Q:49: Name the taxonomical aid which is used for study and reference of both plant and animal specimens.
Answer :  Biological Museum

Q:50: Name the taxonomical aid where wild animals are kept in protected environments under human care.
Answer : Zoological parks 

NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-1

Q:1: The number and types of organisms present on earth; this refers to as?
Answer : Biodiversity

Q:2: For plants, scientific names are based on agreed principles and criteria, which are provided by?
Answer : ICBN

Q:3: Both the words in a biological name,when hand written, are separately underlined,or printed in italics to indicate .
Answer : The Latin origin

Q:4: The biggest spin off of taxonomic studies was the recognition of sharing of similarities among living organisms both A and B.
Answer :A-Horizontally,B- Vertically

Q:5: What is the most obvious and technically complicated feature of all living organisms?
Answer : Consciousness

Q:6: The patient is brain-dead and has no self-consciousness. Such patients are never come back to normal life. They are considered living or non- living.
Answer : Living

Q:7: A affects reproduction in seasonal breeders, both plants and animals.
Answer : A-Photo period

Q:8: Early man could easily perceive the difference between inanimate matter and living organisms. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:9: In majority of higher animals and plants,growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive events. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:10: What is the common method for multiplication among the fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?
Answer : Fragmentation

Q:11: Reproduction cannot be taken as defining characteristics of living organisms. Why?
Answer : There are many organisms those cannot reproduce.

Q:12: For unicellular organisms like bacteria, unicellular algae and Amoeba, A is synonymous with B.
Answer :A-Reproduction,B- Growth

Q:13: Increase in mass and increase in number of individuals are twin characteristics of which character of living organisms?
Answer : Growth

Q:14: Growth, reproduction, ability to sense environment are the features of living organisms.(True/False)
Answer : True

Q:15: Who was the Darwin of 20th century?
Answer : E. Mayr

Q:16: Growth cannot be taken as defining characteristic of living organisms. Why?
Answer : Because non-living objects also grow by accumulation of materials on surface.

Q:17: Properties of tissues are not present in the constituent cells but arise as a result of interactions among the constituent cells.(True/False)
Answer : True

Q:18: The sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in a living body is called?
Answer : Metabolism

Q:19: In Binomial nomenclature, each name has two components the A and the B.
Answer :A-Generic name,B- Specific epithet

Q:20: What is the full form of ICBN?
Answer : International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

Q:21: How many species are known and described till now?
Answer : 1.7-1.8 million

Q:22: Biological names are generally in ‗A‘ language and written in B.
Answer : A-Latin, B-Italics

Q:23: All living organisms can be classified into different taxa on the basisof characteristics, this process is called?
Answer : Classification

Q:24: According to binomial system,how the first letter of first word and first letter of second word in name of an organism are written respectively?
Answer : Capital and small

Q:25: What is Alsatians?
Answer : A variety of Dog species or breed.

Diversity of the living world - 1

Q:1: The number and types of organisms present on earth; this refers to as?
Answer : Biodiversity
Q:2: For plants, scientific namesare based on agreed principles and criteria, which are provided by?
Answer : ICBN
Q:3: Both thewords in abiological name,when handwritten, are separatelyunderlined,orprintedin italicstoindicate .
Answer : The Latin origin
Q:4: The biggest spin off of taxonomic studies was the recognition of sharing of similarities among living organisms both A and B.
Answer :
B- Vertically
Q:5: What is the most obvious and technically complicated feature of all living organisms?
Answer : Consciousness
Q:6: The patient is brain-dead and has no self-consciousness. Suchpatients are never come back to normal life. They are considered living or non- living.
Answer : Living
Q:7: A affects reproduction in seasonal breeders, both plants and animals.
Answer : A-Photoperiod
Q:8: Early man could easily perceive the difference between inanimate matter and living organisms. (True/False)
Answer : True
Q:9: Inmajorityofhigheranimalsandplants,growthand reproductionare mutually exclusive events. (True/False)
Answer : True
Q:10: What is the common method for multiplication among the fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?
Answer : Fragmentation
Q:11: Reproduction cannot be taken as defining characteristics of living organisms. Why?
Answer : There are many organisms those cannot reproduce.
Q:12: For unicellular organisms like bacteria, unicellular algae and Amoeba, A is synonymous with B.
Answer :
B- Growth
Q:13: Increase in mass and increase in number of individuals are twin characteristics of which character of living organisms?
Answer : Growth
Q:14: Growth, reproduction, ability to sense environment are the features of living organisms.(True/False)
Answer : True
Q:15: Who was the Darwin of 20th century?
Answer : E. Mayr
Q:16: Growth cannot be taken as defining characteristic of living organisms. Why?
Answer : Because non-living objects also grow by accumulation of materials on surface.
Q:17: Properties of tissues are not present in the constituent cells but arise as a result of interactions among the constituent cells.(True/False)
Answer : True
Q:18: The sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in a living body is called?
Answer : Metabolism
Q:19: In Binomial nomenclature, each name has two components the A and the B.
Answer :
A-Generic name,
B- Specific epithet
Q:20: What is the full form of ICBN?
Answer : International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
Q:21: How many species are known and described till now?
Answer : 1.7-1.8 million
Q:22: Biological names are generally in ‗A‘ language and written in B.
Answer : A-Latin, B-Italics
Q:23: All living organisms can be classified into different taxa on the basisof characteristics, this process is called?
Answer : Classification
Q:24: According to binomial system,how the first letter of first word and first letter of second word in name of an organism are written respectively?
Answer : Capital and small
Q:25: What is Alsatians?
Answer : A variety of Dog species or breed.
Q:26: The word systematics is derived from the Latinword Systema which means?
Answer : Systematic arrangement of organisms
Q:27: Taxonomic categories / taxonomic groupsare distinct biological entities and not merely morphological aggregates. (True/False)
Answer : True
Q:28: What are basics of taxonomy?
Answer : Identification Nomenclature Classification
Q:29: The earliest classifications were based on the __________ of various organisms.
Answer : Uses of economic importance
Q:30: Genus comprises a group ofrelated species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera.(True/False)
Answer : True
Q:31: Felidae and Felis represent which taxonomic categories respectively?
Answer : Family, Genus
Q:32: Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals constitute the next higher category called?
Answer :
Phylum (Chordata)
Q:33: As we go higher from species to kingdom then what will happen to the number of common characteristics?
Answer :
They will decrease
Q:34: The following sequence shows taxonomic categories in ascending order: Kingdom <- Phylum <- B <- Order <- A <- Genus <- Species. What are A and B in this sequence.
Answer :
A-Family B-Class
Q:35: Find the odd one from followings:
Chordata, Carnivora, Solanum, Mammalia
Answer :
Q:36: Higher the category, greater is the difficulty of determining the relationship to other taxa at the same level. Why?
Answer :
Because common characters are less
Q:37: Find out the odd one: Sapindales, Anacardiaceae, Poales
Answer :
Q:38: What is the main purpose of botanical garden?
Answer :
Identification of plants
Q:39: Which taxanomical aid uses living plant forms for studies?
Answer :
Botanical Garden
Q:40: In keys, a pair of contrasting characters is called?
Answer :
Q:41: Couplet represents the choice made between two opposite optionsThis results in acceptance ofonly one and rejection of the other.(True/False)
Answer :
Q:42: 54 Each statement of couplet in the key is called .
Answer :
Q:43: What does monograph contain?
Answer :
Informationonany one taxon
Q:44: Which contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a givenarea?
Answer :
Q:45: Taxonomical aid which is useful in providing information for identification of names of species found in an area.
Answer :
Q:46: Taxonomists prepare and disseminate information through A and B
Answer :
Q:47: The taxonomic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general for knowing our bio-resources and their diversity. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:48: Write the scientific names of:
(A) Human
(B) Potato
(C) Leopard
Answer :
A- Homo sapiens
B- Solanum
C- Panthera Pardus
Q:49: Name the taxonomical aid which is used for study and reference of both plant and animalspecimens.
Answer :
Biological Museum
Q:50: Name the taxonomical aid where wild animals are kept in protected environments under humancare.
Answer :
Zoological parks
Q:51: What is the main aim of zoological parks?
Answer :
Learn about food habits & behavior of wild animals
Q:52: Solanum,PetuniaandDaturaarethegenera,bolong to which family?
Answer :
Q:53: Identify A & B:
Triticumaestivum -> Triticum -> A -> Poales -> B ->
Answer :
Q:54: A group of individual organisms with fundamental morphological similarities is called?
Answer :
Q:55: Order and other higher taxonomic categories are identified basedon the aggregation of characters. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:56: Who gave two kingdom system ?
Answer :
Carolus Linnaeus
Q:57: Two kingdom system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (Autotrophs) and nonphotosynthetic (Heterotrophs) organisms. These are demerits of two kingdom system.(True/False)
Answer :
Q:58: Aristotle used simple morphological characters to classify plants into A, B and C.
Answer :
A-Trees, BShrubs, CHerbs
Q:59: Though A and B kingdoms have been a constant under all different systems, the understanding of what group organisms be included under these kingdoms have been changing the C and D of other kingdom have also been understood
Answer :
A-Plants B-Animals
C-Number D-Nature
Q:60: How many kingdoms include producers and name these kingdoms?
Answer :
Three; Monera, Protista, Plantae
Q:61: In which kingdom unicellular, eukaryotic autotrophic organisms are placed?
Answer :
Q:62: In how many kingdom cellulosic cell walled organisms are present?
Answer :
Two-Protista, Plantae
Q:63: From above table, how many characters are uncommon between fungi and plantae?
Answer :
Cellwall,mode of nutrition, body organization
Q:64: Angiospermae is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets.
Answer :
Q:65: Herbarium serves as quick referral system in taxonomic studies. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:66: Indian Botanical Garden(IBG)and National Botanical Garden (NBG)are situated at?
Answer :
Q:67: On the basis of shape, how many groups of bacteria are formed and what are their names?
Answer :
Four Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrium, Spirillum
Q:68: The criteria for classification are changing over time. Why?
Answer :
Because improvement in our understanding of characters
Q:69: All 'A' organisms are grouped under kingdom monera and unicellular eukaryotes are placed in kingdom B.
Answer :
A - Prokaryotic , B - Protista
Q:70: Read the following statements:
(A) Found in the gut of ruminants
(B) Complex cell wallstructure
(C)Survive in marshyhabitats
Above statements are related to :- which are Archaebacteria
Answer :
Q:71: Compared to many other organisms, which group show the most extensive metabolic diversity?
Answer :
Q:72: Which organism are the smallest living cells known and can survive without oxygen?
Answer :
Q:73: Cholera,Typhoid,Tetanus,Citrus canker are well known diseases caused by:
Answer :
Q:74: In which kingdom,Chrysohytes,Dinoflagellates,Euglenoids, Slime moulds and Protozoans are included?
Answer :
Q:75: Chrysophytes which are the chief producers in the ocean?
Answer :
Q:76: What protest possesses two flagella one lies longitudinal and other transversely?
Answer :
Q:77: Read the following points regarding protist:
(A) Saprophytic Nature
(B) Spores with truewall
(C) Wall less vegetative phase
Above organism should be:
Answer :
Slime moulds
Q:78: Euglenoids have a protein rich layer called which makes their body flexible.
Answer :
Q:79: __________ are primitive relative of animals.
Answer :
Q:80: Which organism are used to make bread and beer?
Answer :
Q:81: Some hyphae are continuous tubes filled with multinucleated cytoplasm, these are called:
Answer :
Coenocytic hyphae
Q:82: The cell walls of fungi are composed of Chitin and
Answer :
Q:83: Fungi prefer to grow in
Answer :
Warm & Humid places
Q:84: Write the name of three steps of sexual reproduction in fungi:
Answer :
Q:85: By which basis kingdom Fungi is divided into various classes?
Answer :
Morphology of mycelium Mode of spore formation and fruiting bodies
Q:86: Chlamydomonas and Amoeba are classified in kingdom protista according to Whittaker's classification system but by earlier classification system both these organisms are classified in different kingdoms. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:87: The bacterial structure is very 'A', they are very complex in 'B'.
Answer :
Q:88: The vast majority of bacteria are heterotrophs. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:89: Members of which fungal class are found in aquatic habitats and on decaying wood in moist and damp places or as obligate parasites.
Answer :
Q:90: Which fungus isused extensively inbio-chemical genetic works?
Answer :
Q:91: The basidiospores are A produced on the B.
Answer :
Q:92: Mushroom,Bracket fungi and smutfungi belong to which fungal class?
Answer :
Q:93: Most of themembers of fungal class are decomposers of litter and help in mineralcycling.
Answer :
Q:94: Life cycle of plants has two distinct phases -the diploid 'A' and the 'B' gametophyte.
Answer :
A-Sporophyte, B-Haploid
Q:95: All of us who have suffered the ill effects of common cold or flu, It is caused by
Answer :
Q:96: Which kingdom is characterized by heterotrophic, eukaryotic organisms that are multicellular and their cells lack cell wall?
Answer :
Q:97: Bladderwort and venus fly trap are example of A plant and Cuscuta is a B plant.
Answer :
A-Insectivorous B-Parasitic
Q:98: Who called contagium vivum fluidum and what does it stand for?
Answer :
M.W. Beijerinck Infectious living fluid
Q:99: Read the following symptoms:
Mosaic formation
Leaf rolling andcurling
Yellowing and veinclearing
Above symptoms are due to infection of
Answer :
Q:100: Who said that viruses are smaller than bacteria ?
Answer :
D.J. Ivanowsky
Q:101: In lichens, the algal component is known as A and the fungal component as B.
Answer :
A-Phycobiont B-Mycobiont
Q:102: Identify the infectious agent on the basis of given information:
Discoverer T.O. Diener
Smaller than viruses
Low molecular weightRNA
Absence of proteincoat
Answer :
Q:103: The causative agent of potato spindle tuber disease is composed of __________
Answer :
Only RNA
Q:104: Identity the group of organisms, on the basis of given information:
Show symbiotic association
Very good pollutionindicator
Pioneer to barrenrocks
Answer :
Q:105: Inlichens,A prepare food for B and fungi provide shelter and absorb C for its partner.
Answer :
A-Algae B-Fungi C-Water and mineral
Q:106: Which taxonomy is based on following points:
Chromosome number
Chromosome behavior
Answer :
Q:107: Numerical taxonomy which is now easily carried out using computers is basedon .
Answer :
All observable characteristics
Q:108: Which type of sexual reproduction is found in Fucus?
Answer :
Q:109: Porphyra & Dictyota are belonged to which algal class respectively
Answer :
Q:110: Agar, one of the commercial products obtained from A and Gracilaria are usedto growmicrobesand in preparations of ice-creams and jellies.
Answer :
Q:111: Which are the pigments found in phaeophyceae?
Answer :
Chlorophyll-a,c, Fucoxanthin
Q:112: Write the nameof two unicellular algae which are rich in proteinsand are used as food supplements:
Answer :
Q:113: Most of the green algae have one or more storage bodies, which are located in the chloroplasts are called:
Answer :
Q:114: Certain marine brown and red algae produce large amounts of hydrocolloids eg. Aand B,respectively which are used commercially.
Answer :
Q:115: In phaeophyceae, the vegetative cells have a cellulosic cell wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of __________
Answer :
Q:116: Why are the members of Rhodophyceae commonly called red algae?
Answer :
Due to pre-dominance of rphycoerythrin
Q:117: Floridean starch is similar to A and glycogen in structure.
Answer :
Q:118: In which class of algae,gametes are pyriform(pear-shaped) and bear two unequal laterally attached flagella?
Answer :
Q:119: In which class of algae sexual reproduction is oogamous and accomapanied by complex post fertilization developments?
Answer :
Q:120: Gracilaria and Porphyra are the members of which algae class?
Answer :
Q:121: Bryophytes are called amphibians of the plant kingdom. Why?
Answer :
Becausethey canlive in the soil but depend on waterfor sexual reproduction
Q:122: Inliverworts,Aaregreen,multicellular,asexualbuds,which develop in small receptacles called B located on thallus:
Answer :
B-Gemma cups
Q:123: In bryophytes zygotes do not undergo reduction division immediately. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:124: Find the ploidy level of followings with respect to bryophytes: A-Gametophyte B-Sporophyte C-Spore D-Antherozoids E-Gemmae F-Rhizoids ?
Answer :
A-n B-2n
C-n D-n
E-n F-n
Q:125: In bryophytes,the dominant phase in the lifecycle is the plant body but inpteridophytes,the main plant body is
Answer :
Gametophytic Sporophytic
Q:126: Which of the following term is not related with mosses? Capsule, Buds, Prothallus, Rhizoids, Archegonia, Protonema
Answer :
Q:127: Which partof game to phyticplant body of amoss bears sex organs antheridia & archegonia?
Answer :
At the apex of the leafy shoots
Q:128: How many of the following have heterosporous nature? Selaginella, Equisetum, Salvinia
Answer :
Two (Selaginella, Salvini
Q:129: Read the following information and identify the genus:
Coralloid roots are with BGA
Unbranched stem
Lack ovary wall
Pinnate leaves
Answer :
Q:130: The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions. Why?
Answer :
Because they need water for fertilization
Q:131: Female cone -> Mega sporophylls->Megasporong -> Megaspores For above terms,which one is related to Pinus but notrelated to Cycas?
Answer :
Female cone
Q:132: Identify the name of processes(A&B)in the given sequence: 𝐴 𝐵 Microspore mother cell -> Microspore -> Male -> gametophyte
Answer :
Q:133: In gymnosperms,the male and the female game to phytes do not have an independent free-living existence. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:134: In gymnosperms,the nucellus is protected by envelops and the composite structure is called ?
Answer :
Q:135: How many following cells are present in an embryo sac:
A - Eggcell
B - Synergids
C - Antipodals
D – Central cell
Answer :
Q:136: The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions. Why?
Answer :
Because they need water for fertilization
Q:137: Female cone -> Mega sporophylls -> Megasporong -> Megaspores For above terms,which one is related to Pinus but notrelated to Cycas?
Answer :
Female cone
Q:138: Identify the name of processes(A&B)in the given sequence: 𝐴 𝐵 Microspore mother cell -> Microspore -> Male gametophyte
Answer :
Q:139: Ingymnosperms,the male and the female game to phytes donot have an independent free-living existence. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:140: In gymnosperms, the nucellus is protected by envelops and the composite structure is called?
Answer :
Q:141: How many following cells are present in an embryo sac: A-Eggcell B-Synergids C-Antipodals D-Central cell.
Answer :
Q:142: Write the names of male and female sex organs of angiosperms respectively:
Answer :
Stamen,Carpel or Pistil
Q:143: In how many classes angiosperms are divided?
Answer :
Two (Dicotyledonae and monocotyledonae)
Q:144: Ovules,stamen,acarpel,anther,antipodals,synergids,pollen grains. How many structures are NOT produced by female plant of angiosperm?
Answer :
Three : Stamen, Anther , Pollen grains
Q:145: Angiosperms rangeinsizefromtiny, almostmicrospice.g. A to tall trees of e.g. B.
Answer :
Q:146: How many nuclei are involved in double fertilization?
Answer :
Five (2 male nuclei, 2 polarnuclei, 1 egg nucleus)
Q:147: Write down the ploidy level of followings regarding typical angiosperm: (A)Endosperm (B) Synergids (C)Embryo (D) Pollen grain (E) Embryosac.
Answer :
Q:148: After fertilization, what is the future of the following:
(A) Ovule
(B) Synergieds
(D) Antipodals
Answer :
B-Degenerate CFruit
Q:149: Many algae such as Volvox,Spirogyra and some species of Chlamydomonas represent patternoflifecycle.
Answer :
Q:150: Which kind of life cyclepattern is shownby all seed-bearing plants?
Answer :
Q:151: The life cycle of any sexually reproducting plant, there is an alternation of generation between A producing by haploid gametophyte and B producing by diplod Sporophyte.
Answer :
A-Gametes B-Spore
Q:152: In bryophytes, what is the dominant phase of life cycle?
Answer :
Gametophytic phase
Q:153: "The diploid sporophyte is represented by a dominant, independent, photosynthetic,vascularplantbody.It alternateswithmulticellular saprophytic/autotrophic, independent but short-lived haploid gametophytes." Above pattern of life cycle is represented by which group of plants?
Answer :
Q:154: "The short-lived multicellular sporophyte totally or partially dependent on the gametophyte" Above statement is related to which group of kingdom plantae?
Answer :
Q:155: Which type of life cycle is found in Fucus?
Answer :
Q:156: Algae usually reproduce vegetatively by A, asexually by formation of B and sexually by fusion of C.
Answer :
A-Fragmentation, B-Spores, C-Gametes
Q:157: Match the column (Process) with column II (Result) Column I Column II
(A) Fusionofmale&femalegametes (i) Spores
(B) Mitosis inzygote (ii) Zygote
(C) Meiosisinsporophyte (iii) Gametophyte
(D) Germinationofspores (iv) Embryo
Answer : A-ii