NEET-Biology-4-Anatomy of Flowering Plants-2

21. The functions of _______ are controlled by the _______ of companion cells.
Answer : Sieve tubes, Nucleus

22. In earthworm and cockroach which type of structure is common :-
Answer : Ventral nerve cord

23. In dlicots, guard cells are _______ shaped whereas in grasses guard cells are _______ shaped
Answer : bean,dumb-bell

24. The cross section of a plant material shows the following anatomical features under microscope: (a) usually more than six xylem bundles with exarch xylem (b) pith is large and well developed (c) Radial arrangement of xylem and phloem bundles. The plant material should be :
Answer : Monocotyledonous root

25. Study of internal structure of plants is called_______
Answer : Plant Anatomy

26. In a isobilateral leaf, two distinct patches of _______ are present above and below of each large _______ which extend towards upper and lower epidermis, respectively.
Answer : Sclerenchyma,Vascular bundle

27. Spermatophytes in which phloem have albuminous cells and sieve cells.
Answer : Gymnosperms

28. The presence of vessels in xylem is characteristics feature of _______
Answer : Angiosperms

29. _______ in plants is largely restricted to specialised regions of active cell division, called _______
Answer : Growth , Meristem

30. Plant group in which phloem is composed of sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma & Phloem fibres.
Answer : Angiosperms

31. All tissues except _______ and _______ constitute the ground tissue System.
Answer : Epidermis , Vascular bundles

32. Which xylem element have highly thickned walls and obliterated central lumen
Answer : Xylem fibre

33. In grasses, certain _______ epidermal cells along the veins modify themselves into large, empty, colourless cells. These cells are called _______ cells.
Answer : Adaxial,Bulliform

34. The meristem which occur in grasses between mature tissues and regenerate parts removed by grazing herbivores is known as _______
Answer : Intercalary meristem

35. The meristem which occurs at the tips of roots and shoots and produce primary tissues are called
Answer : Apical meristems

36. Which simple permanent tissue provides mechanical support to the growing parts of plant such as young stem and petiole of a leaf.
Answer : Collenchyma

37. Which simple permanent tissue consists of long narrow cells with thick and lignified walls having a few or numerous pits.
Answer : Sclerenchyma

38. _______ Both _______ and intercalary meristems are _______ meristems and contribute to the formation of the primary plant body.
Answer : Apical, meristem , Primary

39. Cells are generally isodiametric.Cells may be spherical, oval, rounded, polygonal or elongated in shape.Their walls are thin and made up of cellulose. The cells may either be closely packed or have intercellular spaces. Above characters of cells related to which type of simple permanent tissue?
Answer : Parenchyma

40. in the internal structure of roots, casparian strips are present in :-
Answer : Endodermis