NEET-Biology-2-Animal Kingdom-1

1. Name a fish which possess poisonous sting.
Answer : Trygon

2. In which phylum the spiny bodied organisms are included?
Answer : Echinodermata

3. The animals which don't have separate sexes are called as:
Answer : Hermaphrodite

4. Nameofthe additional chambers foundin thedigestivetract of birds:
Answer : Crop and Gizzard

5. The animals which don't have the capacity to regulate their body temperature are called as .
Answer : Poikilothermals

6. Members of which phylum are known as flat worms?
Answer : Platyhelminthes

7. Name the structures which support the body of sponges as a skeleton.
Answer : Spicules and spongin fibres

8. Which organism is also known as Portuguese man of war?
Answer : Physalia

9. The body surface of annelids is distinctly marked out into segments. These segments are called as:
Answer : Metameres

10. Name the largest phylum of animal kingdom.
Answer : Arthropoda

11. Name the excretory organ of balanoglossus:
Answer : Proboscis gland

12. Structures which help in osmoregulation and excretion in flatworms are called.
Answer : Flame cells

13. Which type of symmetry is mostly found in sponges?
Answer : Sponges are asymmetrical

14. The bones of birds are long and hollow with air cavities.These types of bones are called as:
Answer : Pneumatic bones

15. Name an oviparous organism with presence of mammary glands: Ornithorhynchus(Platypus)

16. Animals of which class possess a sucking and circular mouth without jaws?
Answer : Cyclostomata

17. The presence of feathers is characteristic of which class?
Answer : Aves.

18. Name the phyla which have radial symmetry:
Answer : Coelenterata, ctenophora, Echinodermata

19. Which phylum of animals posses pseudocoelomic type of body cavity?
Answer : Aschelminthes

20. Which structure represents ear in amphibians and reptiles?
Answer : Tympanum

21. The animals which have the capacity to regulate their body temperature are called as.
Answer : Homoiothermous

22. The teeth in cartilaginous fishes are formed due to modification of which type of scales?
Answer : Placoid scales

23. Inwhich class of fishes notochord is persistentthroughout the life?
Answer : Chondrichthyes

24. Why cartilaginous fishes have to swim constantly?
Answer : Because they lack air bladder

25. Which cnidarians possess a skeleton made up of calcium carbonate?
Answer : Corals