NEET-Biology-4-Anatomy of Flowering Plants-1

1. In a dorsiventral leaf, palisade parenchyma lies towards _______ and spongy parenchyma lies towards _______ in position.
Answer : Adaxial, Abaxial

2. The root hairs are _______ elongations of the _______ cells and help absorb water and minerals from the soil.
Answer : Unicellular,Epidermal

3. Blood is red but without RBCs. Such blood is found in _______ .
Answer : Earthworm

4. Heart wood comprises dead elements with highly _______ walls and it does not conduct water & minerals.
Answer : Lignified

5. _______ consists of cells which are much thickended at the corners due to the deposition of cellulose, hemicellulose and _______
Answer : Collenchyma, B-Pectin

6. Which type of vascular bundles are found in the primary internal structure of dicotyledonae stem (eg. Sunflower stem) ?
Answer : Conjoint, collateral & open

7. Epidermal cell are _______ with a small amount of _______ and large vacuole.
Answer : Parenchymatous,Cytoplasm

8. Name the lateral meristem which is responsible for the formation of phellem and phelloderm.
Answer : Phellogen (Cork cambium)

9. _______ is a non-technical term that refers to all tissues exterior to _______ therefore including secondary phloem .
Answer : Bark,Vascular cambium

10. On the basis of their _______ and _______ there are three types of tissue systems.
Answer : Structure/morphology, Location/Position

11. The _______ wood is lighter in colour and exhibit low density whereas _______ wood is darker in colour and exhibit high density.
Answer : Spring,Autumn

12. In _______ the ground tissue consists of thin walled chloroplasts containing cells and is called _______
Answer : Leaves,Mesophyll

13. The stomatal aperture, guard cells and the surrounding subsidiary cells are together called _______
Answer : Stomatal apparatus

14. In the internal structure of sunflower stem, in between the vascular bundles there are a few layers of radially placed _______ cells, which constitute _______
Answer : Parenchymatous, -Medullary rays

15. Which tissue occurs in homogenous layers or in patches below the epidermis in stem of decotyledonous plants ?
Answer : Collenchyma

16. Which lateral meristem usually develops in cortical region of dicot stem?
Answer : Phellogen or cork cambium

17. List of some of meristems is given below : Fascicular vascular cambium , Inter fascicular cambium (C) Phellogen or cork cambium On the basis of location in plant body above meristems are placed in which group ?
Answer : Lateral meristem

18. _______ roots are endogenous in origin and originates from the cells of _______
Answer : Lateral, Pericycle

19. A group of cells having a common _______ and usually performing a common function, called_______
Answer : Origin , Tissue

20. Name the lateral meristem which is responsible for the formation of secondary xylem, secondary phloem and secondary medullary rays.
Answer : Vascular cambium