NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-3

Q:51: What is the main aim of zoological parks?
Answer : Learn about food habits & behavior of wild animals

Q:52: Solanum, PetuniaandDaturaarethegenera,bolong to which family?
Answer : Solanaceae

Q:53: Identify A & B:Triticumaestivum -> Triticum -> A -> Poales -> B ->
Answer :A-PoaceaeB-Monocotyledonae

Q:54: A group of individual organisms with fundamental morphological similarities is called?
Answer : Species

Q:55: Order and other higher taxonomic categories are identified basedon the aggregation of characters. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:56: Who gave two kingdom system ?
Answer : Carolus Linnaeus

Q:57: Two kingdom system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (Autotrophs) and nonphotosynthetic (Heterotrophs) organisms. These are demerits of two kingdom system.(True/False)
Answer : True

Q:58: Aristotle used simple morphological characters to classify plants into A, B and C.
Answer : A-Trees, B-Shrubs, C-Herbs

Q:59: Though A and B kingdoms have been a constant under all different systems, the understanding of what group organisms be included under these kingdoms have been changing the C and D of other kingdom have also been understood
Answer :A-Plants B-AnimalsC-Number D-Nature

Q:60: How many kingdoms include producers and name these kingdoms?
Answer : Three; Monera, Protista, Plantae

Q:61: In which kingdom unicellular, eukaryotic autotrophic organisms are placed?
Answer : Protista

Q:62: In how many kingdom cellulosic cell walled organisms are present?
Answer : Two-Protista, Plantae

Q:63: From above table, how many characters are uncommon between fungi and plantae?
Answer : Cellwall,mode of nutrition, body organization

Q:64: Angiospermae is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets.
Answer : Herbarium

Q:65: Herbarium serves as quick referral system in taxonomic studies. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:66: Indian Botanical Garden(IBG)and National Botanical Garden (NBG)are situated at?
Answer :IBG-HowrahNBG-Lucknow

Q:67: On the basis of shape, how many groups of bacteria are formed and what are their names?
Answer : Four Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrium, Spirillum

Q:68: The criteria for classification are changing over time. Why?
Answer : Because improvement in our understanding of characters

Q:69: All 'A' organisms are grouped under kingdom monera and unicellular eukaryotes are placed in kingdom B.
Answer : A - Prokaryotic , B - Protista

Q:70: Read the following statements:(A) Found in the gut of ruminants(B) Complex cell wallstructure(C)Survive in marshyhabitatsAbove statements are related to :- which are Archaebacteria
Answer : Methanogens

Q:71: Compared to many other organisms, which group show the most extensive metabolic diversity?
Answer : Bacteria

Q:72: Which organism are the smallest living cells known and can survive without oxygen?
Answer : Mycoplasma

Q:73: Cholera,Typhoid,Tetanus,Citrus canker are well known diseases caused by:
Answer : Bacteria

Q:74: In which kingdom,Chrysohytes,Dinoflagellates,Euglenoids, Slime moulds and Protozoans are included?
Answer : Protista

Q:75: Chrysophytes which are the chief producers in the ocean?
Answer : Diatoms