Diversity of the living world - 1

Q:1: The number and types of organisms present on earth; this refers to as?
Answer : Biodiversity
Q:2: For plants, scientific namesare based on agreed principles and criteria, which are provided by?
Answer : ICBN
Q:3: Both thewords in abiological name,when handwritten, are separatelyunderlined,orprintedin italicstoindicate .
Answer : The Latin origin
Q:4: The biggest spin off of taxonomic studies was the recognition of sharing of similarities among living organisms both A and B.
Answer :
B- Vertically
Q:5: What is the most obvious and technically complicated feature of all living organisms?
Answer : Consciousness
Q:6: The patient is brain-dead and has no self-consciousness. Suchpatients are never come back to normal life. They are considered living or non- living.
Answer : Living
Q:7: A affects reproduction in seasonal breeders, both plants and animals.
Answer : A-Photoperiod
Q:8: Early man could easily perceive the difference between inanimate matter and living organisms. (True/False)
Answer : True
Q:9: Inmajorityofhigheranimalsandplants,growthand reproductionare mutually exclusive events. (True/False)
Answer : True
Q:10: What is the common method for multiplication among the fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?
Answer : Fragmentation
Q:11: Reproduction cannot be taken as defining characteristics of living organisms. Why?
Answer : There are many organisms those cannot reproduce.
Q:12: For unicellular organisms like bacteria, unicellular algae and Amoeba, A is synonymous with B.
Answer :
B- Growth
Q:13: Increase in mass and increase in number of individuals are twin characteristics of which character of living organisms?
Answer : Growth
Q:14: Growth, reproduction, ability to sense environment are the features of living organisms.(True/False)
Answer : True
Q:15: Who was the Darwin of 20th century?
Answer : E. Mayr
Q:16: Growth cannot be taken as defining characteristic of living organisms. Why?
Answer : Because non-living objects also grow by accumulation of materials on surface.
Q:17: Properties of tissues are not present in the constituent cells but arise as a result of interactions among the constituent cells.(True/False)
Answer : True
Q:18: The sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in a living body is called?
Answer : Metabolism
Q:19: In Binomial nomenclature, each name has two components the A and the B.
Answer :
A-Generic name,
B- Specific epithet
Q:20: What is the full form of ICBN?
Answer : International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
Q:21: How many species are known and described till now?
Answer : 1.7-1.8 million
Q:22: Biological names are generally in ‗A‘ language and written in B.
Answer : A-Latin, B-Italics
Q:23: All living organisms can be classified into different taxa on the basisof characteristics, this process is called?
Answer : Classification
Q:24: According to binomial system,how the first letter of first word and first letter of second word in name of an organism are written respectively?
Answer : Capital and small
Q:25: What is Alsatians?
Answer : A variety of Dog species or breed.
Q:26: The word systematics is derived from the Latinword Systema which means?
Answer : Systematic arrangement of organisms
Q:27: Taxonomic categories / taxonomic groupsare distinct biological entities and not merely morphological aggregates. (True/False)
Answer : True
Q:28: What are basics of taxonomy?
Answer : Identification Nomenclature Classification
Q:29: The earliest classifications were based on the __________ of various organisms.
Answer : Uses of economic importance
Q:30: Genus comprises a group ofrelated species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera.(True/False)
Answer : True
Q:31: Felidae and Felis represent which taxonomic categories respectively?
Answer : Family, Genus
Q:32: Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals constitute the next higher category called?
Answer :
Phylum (Chordata)
Q:33: As we go higher from species to kingdom then what will happen to the number of common characteristics?
Answer :
They will decrease
Q:34: The following sequence shows taxonomic categories in ascending order: Kingdom <- Phylum <- B <- Order <- A <- Genus <- Species. What are A and B in this sequence.
Answer :
A-Family B-Class
Q:35: Find the odd one from followings:
Chordata, Carnivora, Solanum, Mammalia
Answer :
Q:36: Higher the category, greater is the difficulty of determining the relationship to other taxa at the same level. Why?
Answer :
Because common characters are less
Q:37: Find out the odd one: Sapindales, Anacardiaceae, Poales
Answer :
Q:38: What is the main purpose of botanical garden?
Answer :
Identification of plants
Q:39: Which taxanomical aid uses living plant forms for studies?
Answer :
Botanical Garden
Q:40: In keys, a pair of contrasting characters is called?
Answer :
Q:41: Couplet represents the choice made between two opposite optionsThis results in acceptance ofonly one and rejection of the other.(True/False)
Answer :
Q:42: 54 Each statement of couplet in the key is called .
Answer :
Q:43: What does monograph contain?
Answer :
Informationonany one taxon
Q:44: Which contains the actual account of habitat and distribution of plants of a givenarea?
Answer :
Q:45: Taxonomical aid which is useful in providing information for identification of names of species found in an area.
Answer :
Q:46: Taxonomists prepare and disseminate information through A and B
Answer :
Q:47: The taxonomic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general for knowing our bio-resources and their diversity. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:48: Write the scientific names of:
(A) Human
(B) Potato
(C) Leopard
Answer :
A- Homo sapiens
B- Solanum
C- Panthera Pardus
Q:49: Name the taxonomical aid which is used for study and reference of both plant and animalspecimens.
Answer :
Biological Museum
Q:50: Name the taxonomical aid where wild animals are kept in protected environments under humancare.
Answer :
Zoological parks
Q:51: What is the main aim of zoological parks?
Answer :
Learn about food habits & behavior of wild animals
Q:52: Solanum,PetuniaandDaturaarethegenera,bolong to which family?
Answer :
Q:53: Identify A & B:
Triticumaestivum -> Triticum -> A -> Poales -> B ->
Answer :
Q:54: A group of individual organisms with fundamental morphological similarities is called?
Answer :
Q:55: Order and other higher taxonomic categories are identified basedon the aggregation of characters. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:56: Who gave two kingdom system ?
Answer :
Carolus Linnaeus
Q:57: Two kingdom system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (Autotrophs) and nonphotosynthetic (Heterotrophs) organisms. These are demerits of two kingdom system.(True/False)
Answer :
Q:58: Aristotle used simple morphological characters to classify plants into A, B and C.
Answer :
A-Trees, BShrubs, CHerbs
Q:59: Though A and B kingdoms have been a constant under all different systems, the understanding of what group organisms be included under these kingdoms have been changing the C and D of other kingdom have also been understood
Answer :
A-Plants B-Animals
C-Number D-Nature
Q:60: How many kingdoms include producers and name these kingdoms?
Answer :
Three; Monera, Protista, Plantae
Q:61: In which kingdom unicellular, eukaryotic autotrophic organisms are placed?
Answer :
Q:62: In how many kingdom cellulosic cell walled organisms are present?
Answer :
Two-Protista, Plantae
Q:63: From above table, how many characters are uncommon between fungi and plantae?
Answer :
Cellwall,mode of nutrition, body organization
Q:64: Angiospermae is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets.
Answer :
Q:65: Herbarium serves as quick referral system in taxonomic studies. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:66: Indian Botanical Garden(IBG)and National Botanical Garden (NBG)are situated at?
Answer :
Q:67: On the basis of shape, how many groups of bacteria are formed and what are their names?
Answer :
Four Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrium, Spirillum
Q:68: The criteria for classification are changing over time. Why?
Answer :
Because improvement in our understanding of characters
Q:69: All 'A' organisms are grouped under kingdom monera and unicellular eukaryotes are placed in kingdom B.
Answer :
A - Prokaryotic , B - Protista
Q:70: Read the following statements:
(A) Found in the gut of ruminants
(B) Complex cell wallstructure
(C)Survive in marshyhabitats
Above statements are related to :- which are Archaebacteria
Answer :
Q:71: Compared to many other organisms, which group show the most extensive metabolic diversity?
Answer :
Q:72: Which organism are the smallest living cells known and can survive without oxygen?
Answer :
Q:73: Cholera,Typhoid,Tetanus,Citrus canker are well known diseases caused by:
Answer :
Q:74: In which kingdom,Chrysohytes,Dinoflagellates,Euglenoids, Slime moulds and Protozoans are included?
Answer :
Q:75: Chrysophytes which are the chief producers in the ocean?
Answer :
Q:76: What protest possesses two flagella one lies longitudinal and other transversely?
Answer :
Q:77: Read the following points regarding protist:
(A) Saprophytic Nature
(B) Spores with truewall
(C) Wall less vegetative phase
Above organism should be:
Answer :
Slime moulds
Q:78: Euglenoids have a protein rich layer called which makes their body flexible.
Answer :
Q:79: __________ are primitive relative of animals.
Answer :
Q:80: Which organism are used to make bread and beer?
Answer :
Q:81: Some hyphae are continuous tubes filled with multinucleated cytoplasm, these are called:
Answer :
Coenocytic hyphae
Q:82: The cell walls of fungi are composed of Chitin and
Answer :
Q:83: Fungi prefer to grow in
Answer :
Warm & Humid places
Q:84: Write the name of three steps of sexual reproduction in fungi:
Answer :
Q:85: By which basis kingdom Fungi is divided into various classes?
Answer :
Morphology of mycelium Mode of spore formation and fruiting bodies
Q:86: Chlamydomonas and Amoeba are classified in kingdom protista according to Whittaker's classification system but by earlier classification system both these organisms are classified in different kingdoms. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:87: The bacterial structure is very 'A', they are very complex in 'B'.
Answer :
Q:88: The vast majority of bacteria are heterotrophs. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:89: Members of which fungal class are found in aquatic habitats and on decaying wood in moist and damp places or as obligate parasites.
Answer :
Q:90: Which fungus isused extensively inbio-chemical genetic works?
Answer :
Q:91: The basidiospores are A produced on the B.
Answer :
Q:92: Mushroom,Bracket fungi and smutfungi belong to which fungal class?
Answer :
Q:93: Most of themembers of fungal class are decomposers of litter and help in mineralcycling.
Answer :
Q:94: Life cycle of plants has two distinct phases -the diploid 'A' and the 'B' gametophyte.
Answer :
A-Sporophyte, B-Haploid
Q:95: All of us who have suffered the ill effects of common cold or flu, It is caused by
Answer :
Q:96: Which kingdom is characterized by heterotrophic, eukaryotic organisms that are multicellular and their cells lack cell wall?
Answer :
Q:97: Bladderwort and venus fly trap are example of A plant and Cuscuta is a B plant.
Answer :
A-Insectivorous B-Parasitic
Q:98: Who called contagium vivum fluidum and what does it stand for?
Answer :
M.W. Beijerinck Infectious living fluid
Q:99: Read the following symptoms:
Mosaic formation
Leaf rolling andcurling
Yellowing and veinclearing
Above symptoms are due to infection of
Answer :
Q:100: Who said that viruses are smaller than bacteria ?
Answer :
D.J. Ivanowsky
Q:101: In lichens, the algal component is known as A and the fungal component as B.
Answer :
A-Phycobiont B-Mycobiont
Q:102: Identify the infectious agent on the basis of given information:
Discoverer T.O. Diener
Smaller than viruses
Low molecular weightRNA
Absence of proteincoat
Answer :
Q:103: The causative agent of potato spindle tuber disease is composed of __________
Answer :
Only RNA
Q:104: Identity the group of organisms, on the basis of given information:
Show symbiotic association
Very good pollutionindicator
Pioneer to barrenrocks
Answer :
Q:105: Inlichens,A prepare food for B and fungi provide shelter and absorb C for its partner.
Answer :
A-Algae B-Fungi C-Water and mineral
Q:106: Which taxonomy is based on following points:
Chromosome number
Chromosome behavior
Answer :
Q:107: Numerical taxonomy which is now easily carried out using computers is basedon .
Answer :
All observable characteristics
Q:108: Which type of sexual reproduction is found in Fucus?
Answer :
Q:109: Porphyra & Dictyota are belonged to which algal class respectively
Answer :
Q:110: Agar, one of the commercial products obtained from A and Gracilaria are usedto growmicrobesand in preparations of ice-creams and jellies.
Answer :
Q:111: Which are the pigments found in phaeophyceae?
Answer :
Chlorophyll-a,c, Fucoxanthin
Q:112: Write the nameof two unicellular algae which are rich in proteinsand are used as food supplements:
Answer :
Q:113: Most of the green algae have one or more storage bodies, which are located in the chloroplasts are called:
Answer :
Q:114: Certain marine brown and red algae produce large amounts of hydrocolloids eg. Aand B,respectively which are used commercially.
Answer :
Q:115: In phaeophyceae, the vegetative cells have a cellulosic cell wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of __________
Answer :
Q:116: Why are the members of Rhodophyceae commonly called red algae?
Answer :
Due to pre-dominance of rphycoerythrin
Q:117: Floridean starch is similar to A and glycogen in structure.
Answer :
Q:118: In which class of algae,gametes are pyriform(pear-shaped) and bear two unequal laterally attached flagella?
Answer :
Q:119: In which class of algae sexual reproduction is oogamous and accomapanied by complex post fertilization developments?
Answer :
Q:120: Gracilaria and Porphyra are the members of which algae class?
Answer :
Q:121: Bryophytes are called amphibians of the plant kingdom. Why?
Answer :
Becausethey canlive in the soil but depend on waterfor sexual reproduction
Q:122: Inliverworts,Aaregreen,multicellular,asexualbuds,which develop in small receptacles called B located on thallus:
Answer :
B-Gemma cups
Q:123: In bryophytes zygotes do not undergo reduction division immediately. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:124: Find the ploidy level of followings with respect to bryophytes: A-Gametophyte B-Sporophyte C-Spore D-Antherozoids E-Gemmae F-Rhizoids ?
Answer :
A-n B-2n
C-n D-n
E-n F-n
Q:125: In bryophytes,the dominant phase in the lifecycle is the plant body but inpteridophytes,the main plant body is
Answer :
Gametophytic Sporophytic
Q:126: Which of the following term is not related with mosses? Capsule, Buds, Prothallus, Rhizoids, Archegonia, Protonema
Answer :
Q:127: Which partof game to phyticplant body of amoss bears sex organs antheridia & archegonia?
Answer :
At the apex of the leafy shoots
Q:128: How many of the following have heterosporous nature? Selaginella, Equisetum, Salvinia
Answer :
Two (Selaginella, Salvini
Q:129: Read the following information and identify the genus:
Coralloid roots are with BGA
Unbranched stem
Lack ovary wall
Pinnate leaves
Answer :
Q:130: The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions. Why?
Answer :
Because they need water for fertilization
Q:131: Female cone -> Mega sporophylls->Megasporong -> Megaspores For above terms,which one is related to Pinus but notrelated to Cycas?
Answer :
Female cone
Q:132: Identify the name of processes(A&B)in the given sequence: 𝐴 𝐵 Microspore mother cell -> Microspore -> Male -> gametophyte
Answer :
Q:133: In gymnosperms,the male and the female game to phytes do not have an independent free-living existence. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:134: In gymnosperms,the nucellus is protected by envelops and the composite structure is called ?
Answer :
Q:135: How many following cells are present in an embryo sac:
A - Eggcell
B - Synergids
C - Antipodals
D – Central cell
Answer :
Q:136: The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions. Why?
Answer :
Because they need water for fertilization
Q:137: Female cone -> Mega sporophylls -> Megasporong -> Megaspores For above terms,which one is related to Pinus but notrelated to Cycas?
Answer :
Female cone
Q:138: Identify the name of processes(A&B)in the given sequence: 𝐴 𝐵 Microspore mother cell -> Microspore -> Male gametophyte
Answer :
Q:139: Ingymnosperms,the male and the female game to phytes donot have an independent free-living existence. (True/False)
Answer :
Q:140: In gymnosperms, the nucellus is protected by envelops and the composite structure is called?
Answer :
Q:141: How many following cells are present in an embryo sac: A-Eggcell B-Synergids C-Antipodals D-Central cell.
Answer :
Q:142: Write the names of male and female sex organs of angiosperms respectively:
Answer :
Stamen,Carpel or Pistil
Q:143: In how many classes angiosperms are divided?
Answer :
Two (Dicotyledonae and monocotyledonae)
Q:144: Ovules,stamen,acarpel,anther,antipodals,synergids,pollen grains. How many structures are NOT produced by female plant of angiosperm?
Answer :
Three : Stamen, Anther , Pollen grains
Q:145: Angiosperms rangeinsizefromtiny, almostmicrospice.g. A to tall trees of e.g. B.
Answer :
Q:146: How many nuclei are involved in double fertilization?
Answer :
Five (2 male nuclei, 2 polarnuclei, 1 egg nucleus)
Q:147: Write down the ploidy level of followings regarding typical angiosperm: (A)Endosperm (B) Synergids (C)Embryo (D) Pollen grain (E) Embryosac.
Answer :
Q:148: After fertilization, what is the future of the following:
(A) Ovule
(B) Synergieds
(D) Antipodals
Answer :
B-Degenerate CFruit
Q:149: Many algae such as Volvox,Spirogyra and some species of Chlamydomonas represent patternoflifecycle.
Answer :
Q:150: Which kind of life cyclepattern is shownby all seed-bearing plants?
Answer :
Q:151: The life cycle of any sexually reproducting plant, there is an alternation of generation between A producing by haploid gametophyte and B producing by diplod Sporophyte.
Answer :
A-Gametes B-Spore
Q:152: In bryophytes, what is the dominant phase of life cycle?
Answer :
Gametophytic phase
Q:153: "The diploid sporophyte is represented by a dominant, independent, photosynthetic,vascularplantbody.It alternateswithmulticellular saprophytic/autotrophic, independent but short-lived haploid gametophytes." Above pattern of life cycle is represented by which group of plants?
Answer :
Q:154: "The short-lived multicellular sporophyte totally or partially dependent on the gametophyte" Above statement is related to which group of kingdom plantae?
Answer :
Q:155: Which type of life cycle is found in Fucus?
Answer :
Q:156: Algae usually reproduce vegetatively by A, asexually by formation of B and sexually by fusion of C.
Answer :
A-Fragmentation, B-Spores, C-Gametes
Q:157: Match the column (Process) with column II (Result) Column I Column II
(A) Fusionofmale&femalegametes (i) Spores
(B) Mitosis inzygote (ii) Zygote
(C) Meiosisinsporophyte (iii) Gametophyte
(D) Germinationofspores (iv) Embryo
Answer : A-ii