NEET-Biology-1-Diversity of the living world-5

Q:101: In lichens, the algal component is known as A and the fungal component as B.
Answer : A-Phycobiont B-Mycobiont

Q:102: Identify the infectious agent on the basis of given information:Discoverer T.O. DienerSmaller than virusesLow molecular weightRNAAbsence of proteincoat
Answer : Viroids

Q:103: The causative agent of potato spindle tuber disease is composed of __________
Answer : Only RNA

Q:104: Identity the group of organisms, on the basis of given information:Show symbiotic associationVery good pollutionindicatorPioneer to barrenrocks
Answer : Lichen

Q:105: Inlichens,A prepare food for B and fungi provide shelter and absorb C for its partner.
Answer : A-Algae B-Fungi C-Water and mineral

Q:106: Which taxonomy is based on following points:Chromosome numberChromosomestructureChromosome behavior
Answer : Cytotaxonomy

Q:107: Numerical taxonomy which is now easily carried out using computers is basedon .
Answer : All observable characteristics

Q:108: Which type of sexual reproduction is found in Fucus?
Answer : Oogamous

Q:109: Porphyra & Dictyota are belonged to which algal class respectively
Answer : Rhodophyceae,Phalophyceae

Q:110: Agar, one of the commercial products obtained from A and Gracilaria are usedto growmicrobesand in preparations of ice-creams and jellies.
Answer : A-Gelidium

Q:111: Which are the pigments found in phaeophyceae?
Answer : Chlorophyll-a,c, Fucoxanthin

Q:112: Write the nameof two unicellular algae which are rich in proteinsand are used as food supplements:
Answer : Chlorella,Spirullina

Q:113: Most of the green algae have one or more storage bodies, which are located in the chloroplasts are called:
Answer : Pyrenoids

Q:114: Certain marine brown and red algae produce large amounts of hydrocolloids eg. Aand B,respectively which are used commercially.
Answer :A-AlginB-Carrageen

Q:115: In phaeophyceae, the vegetative cells have a cellulosic cell wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of __________
Answer : Algin

Q:116: Why are the members of Rhodophyceae commonly called red algae?
Answer : Due to pre-dominance of rphycoerythrin

Q:117: Floridean starch is similar to A and glycogen in structure.
Answer : A-Amylopectin

Q:118: In which class of algae,gametes are pyriform(pear-shaped) and bear two unequal laterally attached flagella?
Answer : Phaeophyceae

Q:119: In which class of algae sexual reproduction is oogamous and accomapanied by complex post fertilization developments?
Answer : Rhodophyceae

Q:120: Gracilaria and Porphyra are the members of which algae class?
Answer : Rhodophyceae

Q:121: Bryophytes are called amphibians of the plant kingdom. Why?
Answer : Because they can live in the soil but depend on water for sexual reproduction

Q:122: Inliverworts,Aaregreen,multicellular,asexualbuds,which develop in small receptacles called B located on thallus:
Answer :A-GemmaeB-Gemma cups

Q:123: In bryophytes zygotes do not undergo reduction division immediately. (True/False)
Answer : True

Q:124: Find the ploidy level of followings with respect to bryophytes: A-Gametophyte B-Sporophyte C-Spore D-Antherozoids E-Gemmae F-Rhizoids ?
Answer :A-n B-2nC-n D-nE-n F-n

Q:125: In bryophytes,the dominant phase in the lifecycle is the plant body but inpteridophytes,the main plant body is
Answer : Gametophytic Sporophytic